Bakin Bacon

So I celebrated my birthday a week ago and my wonderful step-father gave me this card.  Little does he know that I dont fry bacon anymore, and especially not in the nude.  No way, never.  But this card got me thinking that maybe there are people out there that do fry bacon naked.  And maybe, just maybe, those people need to hear about my method of bakin bacon. 

Baking bacon is so easy.  This method keeps most of the grease away from the bacon, its faster, cleanup is a breeze, and it frees up much needed stovetop space when making breakfast. 

And it keeps those painful splatters from splattering.

First, preheat the oven at 425 degrees and get out a cookie sheet and the aluminum foil.

Rip off a piece of aluminum foil about 6-8 inches longer than your cookie sheet and wad it into a big ball.

Next, loosely
stretch out the aluminum foil and lay it over your cookie sheet.  This folks is where its at, the aluminum foil makes nice little valleys for the grease to drip into.

Lay your bacon strips out on the aluminum foil and bake for about 10-15 minutes, depending on how crispy you like it.  We like ours extra crispy, so we leave in longer.  Just keep checking it.  You will also want to turn your hood fan on because it can get a little smoky. 

And since bacon shrinks, I ended up throwing a few more strips onto the cookie sheet after I took that picture.  I can usually squeeze a pound of bacon on one cookie sheet. 

And that folks, is how I bake bacon.  If you have any tips or tricks on how you make bacon, please share, Id love to hear from you!

The SSL Family Mom

This post has been shared at:  Homestead Barn Hop

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