Bell Siphon the Parts List

Folks have been asking for parts lists and drawings on how to put this together. So Ive (finally!) put together a parts list, complete with links to the product pages for these bits on the Home Depot website.

Bernoulli Standpipe
  • 1" slip to 3/4" male pipe thread (MPT) adapter - $0.77
  • 3/4 in. Sch. 40 PVC Pressure Slip x FPT Adapter - $0.44
  • 5.5 inch length of 3/4 in. PVC Schedule 40 Pipe - $1.97 for 10 feet, $1.15 for 2 feet
Inexpensive Bulkhead Fitting
  • 3/4 in. Male Terminal Adapter - $0.46
  • [A 1 inch diameter hole drilled through the bottom of your grow bed]
  • #18 O-ring - $2.27 [for Box of 10]
  • 3/4 in. Female Conduit Adapter - $0.50
Coanda Discharge
  • 5 inch length of 3/4 in. PVC Schedule 40 Pipe (already bought)
  • 3/4 in. PVC Sch. 40 45-Degree S x S Elbow - $0.62
  • 5 inch length of 3/4 in. PVC Schedule 40 Pipe (already bought)

src="" width="400"> Auto-siphon "Bell"
  • 10 inch length of 2 in. PVC Sch. 40 Pipe - $3.69 for 2 feet
  • 2 in. PVC Cap - $0.98
Media Guard
  • 11 inch length of 3 in. PVC Sch. 40 Pipe - $5.95 for 2 feet

All told, the parts add up to about $20 if youre just building a single Bell Siphon. If you build two of them, they come in at $14 apiece. Or if you get a bunch of friends together to build 10 of these, the price comes down to $9 apiece (because youll buy the 10 foot long lengths of 2-inch and 3-inch pipe - economies of scale).

Now that youve got the parts, heres how to put it together:

Small system I put together for a Feb 2012 science fair

Installing the Bulkhead fitting (the grey conduit bits and O-ring)

Assembling the Standpipe, Bell, and Media Guard

Different Discharge Options (I like the 45 degree or Coanda Discharge)

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