We really do like square foot gardening, really. We get so excited to see new growth and the beginnings of tiny vegetables forming. The peas dont even make it in the house theyre so good and, yesterday, I lopped off our first zucchini and threw it right on the grill. Its just a lot slower than growing in aquaponics and we are not the most patient people you will ever meet. But Im pretty sure weve found the best outdoor gardening option for our family.
Why? The soil mixture retains water like a sponge. And I have not had to weed my gardens. Not once yet. To me, its a miracle. I cannot tell you how many gardens weve tried to grow in the past that ended up overrun with weeds and dried up when we went on family vacations.
watching my video (riddled with the background noise of dogs and children), Id like to share a few things about us:
1. We have a small yard in a small subdivision. It gets even smaller when trying to find a place that gets full-sun all day, our options were very limited.
2. We have a horrible track record when it comes to gardening. A few years ago (and at a different house), we spent hundreds of dollars starting a garden and our only harvest was a few measly carrots that looked like thumbs.
We sincerely hope that this encourages all of you out there to try gardening. Dont let living in a subdivision, past failures, or lack of time hold you back. You CAN grow your own food!
This post has been shared at: Homestead Barn Hop, Natural Living Monday, Simple Saturdays Blog Hop, Simple Lives Thursday, The Backyard Farming Connection Hop, The HomeAcre Hop, Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop
1. We have a small yard in a small subdivision. It gets even smaller when trying to find a place that gets full-sun all day, our options were very limited.
2. We have a horrible track record when it comes to gardening. A few years ago (and at a different house), we spent hundreds of dollars starting a garden and our only harvest was a few measly carrots that looked like thumbs.
We sincerely hope that this encourages all of you out there to try gardening. Dont let living in a subdivision, past failures, or lack of time hold you back. You CAN grow your own food!
This post has been shared at: Homestead Barn Hop, Natural Living Monday, Simple Saturdays Blog Hop, Simple Lives Thursday, The Backyard Farming Connection Hop, The HomeAcre Hop, Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop
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